There are 3 small programs in this package: Wbiff, Finger and Lookup. Wbiff is an e-mail checker, it logins to your POP3 server regularly to check whether you have mail. If you have mail, it will popup a message box to notify you or run a program such as Eudora or Netscape for you reading your e-mail. It is very small, and when it was started, it just display a icon in the tray area of the task bar of Windows 95 (no window). Finger runs under the DOS window of Windows 95, you can use it to get the information of an user on a host. for example: C:\>FINGER Welcome to Linux version 2.0.30 at ! 10:04am up 3 days, 1:39, 3 users, load average: 1.17, 1.29, 1.27 Login Name Tty Idle Login Time Office Office Phone bbs bbsuser p2 4 Jun 20 08:32 ( bbs bbsuser p3 Jun 20 09:54 (wpi.WPI.EDU) bbs bbsuser p4 Jun 20 09:54 ( C:\> Lookup can convert an IP address to a domain name, or vice versa, it also runs under the DOS windows of Windows 95. For example: C:\>LOOKUP [] If you find any bug, please tell me via email: This is a shareware, so please register it by sending an US $5 check and your e-mail address to: Junping Gong 2101 Tuller Street Columbus OH 43201 USA I am saving money to buy my own PC, please help me by registering it. Thank you in advance.